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Articles on 24 hour live-in care in Dorset. Keep up-to-date with our latest developments, company news, care advice and more.

Articles on 24 hour live-in care in Dorset. Keep up-to-date with our latest developments, company news, care advice and more.


What Matters to You? - Picking the Right Care Provider for Your Elderly Relatives

When it comes to finding the right care provider for your elderly relatives, it's important to consider what matters to them. The natural preference, for most people, is to continu...  more  

Do you care for an elderly relative? Are you worried about Dementia?

Know the signs of dementia Stay in touch with your loved one. Get them to keep a journal or diary, and write down what they do each day. Encourage them to go out more often fo...  more  

Nutrition and COVID-19 in Older people.

Even though there is now a greater understanding of how to care for older people with COVID-19, the challenges of managing the virus in this population are ongoing. Older people ar...  more  

Causes of delirium and how to recognise it.

Delirium is a state of confusion and disorientation. It can be caused by a number of things, including infection, medication side effects, or post-operative complications. It is mo...  more